
The Power of Vulnerability

This has been almost required viewing for anyone in my practice.  Vulnerability is the starting point, the foundation and the core of everything we want and frankly need to experience in our lives.  Without vulnerability, we cannot truly love or be loved.  The issue is, few of us know how to tolerate or deal with it in our lives.  If you are having problems in your love life, parenting your children, connecting to your friends or family, try checking in with your ability to be vulnerable in those relationships.  I can say with few exceptions that the people who courageously come through my office door are dealing with confronting vulnerability at some level.   In her first TED talk, Brené Brown unpacks shame, fear and the power of vulnerability.  This 20 minute talk was powerful enough to earn over 3 million views and sky rocketed her to national prominence.  If you have not seen it you probably should, if you have watch it again.  I promise Ms. Brown will not disappoint.